Explicação sobre o blog "Ativismocontraaidstb"

Aproveito para afirmar que este blog NÃO ESTÁ CONTRA OS ATIVISTAS, PELO CONTRÁRIO.

Sou uma pessoa vivendo com HIV AIDS e HOMOSSEXUAL. Logo não posso ser contra o ativismo seja ele de qualquer forma.

QUERO SIM AGREGAR(ME JUNTAR A TODOS OS ATIVISTAS)PARA JUNTOS FORMARMOS UMA força de pessoas conscientes que reivindicam seus direitos e não se escondam e muito menos se deixem reprimir.

Se por aí dizem isso, foi porque eles não se deram ao trabalho de ler o enunciado no cabeçalho(Em cima do blog em Rosa)do blog.

Espero com isso aclarar os ânimos e entendimentos de todos.

Conto com sua atenção e se quiser, sua divulgação.

Obrigado, desculpe o transtorno!




segunda-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2013


EAT Luis Carlos Ripper - Rua Visconde de Niterói, 1364 - Bairro Mangueira.
Caro Companheiro (a), Venha participar, com sua presença, dia 18 de fevereiro, às 10hrs da manhã de um "abraço" ao prédio da nossa querida EAT - Escola das Artes Técnicas Luis Carlos Ripper que, junto com a EAT Paulo Falcão ( Nova Iguaçu) foi fechada por uma arbitraria decisão governamental. Participe deste ato de desagravo ao fechamento de duas escolas públicas, reconhecidas e premiadas internacionalmente que, há dez anos, levam educação de excelência ao povo. ... Compartilhe este convite com todos aqueles que, como você esta comprometidos com a educação verdadeiramente de qualidade. >> Assine a petição para não deixar o governo do estado acabar com duas escolas de excelência!! << http://www.avaaz.org/po/petition/Pelo_manutencao_das_EATS_e_de_sua_Metodologia/?cqMRZdb Saiba mais: http://sujeitopolitico.blogspot.com.br/


3 anos de existência com vocês...

Ativismo Contra Aids/TB

quarta-feira, 3 de março de 2010

Public Meeting: National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS): February 24th at 2 PM Eastern

Public Meeting: National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS): February 24th at 2 PM Eastern

Meeting updates: Read the AIDS.gov blog, follow us on Twitter. Exit Disclaimer, and watch the video

The meeting will provide an update on the framework for the NHAS and provide an opportunity for participants to meet the Federal HIV/AIDS Interagency Working Group. (Meeting Agenda - PDF - 50KB) This group is made up of representatives from agencies working on HIV/AIDS across the Federal government, including White House offices, and is responsible for developing the NHAS.

The meeting will also include a briefing on the results from a series of community discussions held over the last few months by the White House Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP) and HHS. If you attend the meeting, you will have an opportunity to participate in informal breakout sessions and have one-on-one conversations with members of the Interagency Working Group.

To participate, you must have RSVP'd and registered by close of business on Friday, February 19, to Ms. Terrie Alvarez at Terrie.Alvarez@hhs.gov. The number of seats available was limited and reservations were accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. For a summary of the meeting, please visit AIDS.gov.
For the Media: please RSVP to Tim Granholm at Tim.Granholm@hhs.gov or 202-690-6343 by COB, Tuesday, February 23.

National HIV/AIDS Strategy

President Barack Obama has pledged to develop and implement a national HIV/AIDS strategy (NHAS), and has emphasized three primary goals:

  • Reducing HIV incidence
  • Increasing access to care and optimizing health outcomes
  • Reducing HIV-related health disparities

The White House Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP) oversees NHAS development and has been soliciting input through a series of community discussions held across the U.S. in 2009-2010. ONAP works to coordinate an increasingly integrated approach to prevention, care, and treatment of HIV/AIDS. For more information, see ONAP’s National AIDS Strategy.

ONAP also works with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of HIV/AIDS Policy (OHAP), which advises the Assistant Secretary for Health and senior HHS officials on the following: the appropriate and timely implementation and development of HIV/AIDS policy; the establishment of priorities; and the solid implementation of HIV/AIDS programs, activities, and initiatives across other HHS health agencies.

The Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA) also provides policy recommendations on the Federal response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The PACHA site provides information on past and upcoming events, reports, and policy recommendations.


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