Explicação sobre o blog "Ativismocontraaidstb"

Aproveito para afirmar que este blog NÃO ESTÁ CONTRA OS ATIVISTAS, PELO CONTRÁRIO.

Sou uma pessoa vivendo com HIV AIDS e HOMOSSEXUAL. Logo não posso ser contra o ativismo seja ele de qualquer forma.

QUERO SIM AGREGAR(ME JUNTAR A TODOS OS ATIVISTAS)PARA JUNTOS FORMARMOS UMA força de pessoas conscientes que reivindicam seus direitos e não se escondam e muito menos se deixem reprimir.

Se por aí dizem isso, foi porque eles não se deram ao trabalho de ler o enunciado no cabeçalho(Em cima do blog em Rosa)do blog.

Espero com isso aclarar os ânimos e entendimentos de todos.

Conto com sua atenção e se quiser, sua divulgação.

Obrigado, desculpe o transtorno!




segunda-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2013


EAT Luis Carlos Ripper - Rua Visconde de Niterói, 1364 - Bairro Mangueira.
Caro Companheiro (a), Venha participar, com sua presença, dia 18 de fevereiro, às 10hrs da manhã de um "abraço" ao prédio da nossa querida EAT - Escola das Artes Técnicas Luis Carlos Ripper que, junto com a EAT Paulo Falcão ( Nova Iguaçu) foi fechada por uma arbitraria decisão governamental. Participe deste ato de desagravo ao fechamento de duas escolas públicas, reconhecidas e premiadas internacionalmente que, há dez anos, levam educação de excelência ao povo. ... Compartilhe este convite com todos aqueles que, como você esta comprometidos com a educação verdadeiramente de qualidade. >> Assine a petição para não deixar o governo do estado acabar com duas escolas de excelência!! << http://www.avaaz.org/po/petition/Pelo_manutencao_das_EATS_e_de_sua_Metodologia/?cqMRZdb Saiba mais: http://sujeitopolitico.blogspot.com.br/


3 anos de existência com vocês...

Ativismo Contra Aids/TB

terça-feira, 23 de março de 2010

California: Regulating the Porn Industry

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention • U.S. News

California: Regulating the Porn Industry

March 22, 2010

In a unanimous vote Thursday, the six-member standards board of the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health decided to create an advisory panel to consider doing more to regulate the state's pornography industry, including requiring condom use and STD tests.

The vote came in response to a petition filed by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. Since 2004, when an HIV outbreak rocked the industry, AHF has been advocating for increased protections for porn performers. Its president, Michael Weinstein, called the board's decision a "big step forward."

The board should mandate condom use and require the industry to pay for performers' STD tests, testified Dr. Robert Kim-Farley, director of communicable disease control and prevention for the Los Angeles County Department of Health. As many as one-quarter of porn actors are diagnosed with an STD in any given year, he said, and rates of gonorrhea and chlamydia are seven times higher among adult-film performers than among the general population.

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Board member Jonathan Frisch, who is principal risk manager at PG&E Corp., acknowledged that some people are uncomfortable with the topic of pornography but said it is "extremely interesting to hear from members of the industry. It's going to be very, very important that we do have them at the table."

Former porn actor Darren James, who tested HIV-positive during the 2004 outbreak, said the industry's current STD testing policy creates a false "security blanket." "You think you're safe, but you're not," he said.

Countering James' opinion was Angelina Armani, who said she had appeared in many adult films in the past two years, undergone regular testing, and never contracted a disease.

The Free Speech Coalition, an adult-entertainment trade group, will support the new panel provided it includes industry representation, said Diane Duke, its executive director.

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Adapted from:
Los Angeles Times
03.19.2010; Molly Hennessy-Fiske

This article was provided by U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is a part of the publication CDC HIV/Hepatitis/STD/TB Prevention News Update.

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