Kawika Lgbt | 13 de Janeiro de 2012 21:11 |
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Jefferson Bethke, o criador do video, usa suas proprias experiencias e a Biblia para argumentar que "Jesus e religiao estao em lados opostos do espectro", quando as pessoas nao praticam o que elas pregam.
Bethke pergunta no video menssagem.
Jefferson Bethke, the video's creator, draws on his own experiences and the Bible to argue that "Jesus and religion are on opposite spectrums," when people don't practice what they preach.
"Now let me clarify: I love the church; I love the Bible, and, yes, I believe in sin. But if Jesus came to your church, would they actually let Him in?" Bethke asks in his video message.
Nota pessoal : aqui deixo meu comentário no site deles:
Estou comunicando que postei texto e vídeo em meu (Nosso) blog, pois aqui aqui no Brasil estamos entrando numa fase de quebra do Estado Laico, onde os envangélicos e alguma outra religião similar, estão elegendo deputado e senadores com uma unica intenção: Tentar barrar os direitos dos LGBTT>
The one guy whom did the rebuttal video provide clear evidence through the use of his failed argument, tone and body language that he really does not believe what he is saying.
Faith is all one needs to believe in the existence of Jesus Christ. Truth faith has is its source in God himself. Faith is not a natural human tendency. It is a divine gift from God. Jesus himself said, “ no one can come to Him unless it has been granted by the Father (God). It is a supernatur
But I want this to be a conversati
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There is definitely a difference between spirituali
For more on this, please see my article, "Crusader Christiani
He also seems completely obsessed with the hypocrisy of religious people. Its true Jesus condemned the hypocrisie