
quinta-feira, 23 de maio de 2013

Solicito inscrição em NewsLetter

UNESCO <aids@unesco.org>

  I Will wish to subscribe to the HIV and Health Education Newsletter.
 For publish and sharing im my Social media web.

Dear Nilo,

Thank you very much indeed for your interest in our newsletter.

Sure! We will be pleased to add you to the newsletter's subscribers.

Do not hesitate to contact us should you need any further information.

Best regards, Schéhérazade

Welcome to list hivaids_newsletter_en@lists.unesco.org
Your subscription email is

NewsLetter on HIV & AIDS

The list homepage: https://lists.unesco.org/wws/info/hivaids_newsletter_en
General informations about mailing lists: https://lists.unesco.org/wws/help/

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