
quinta-feira, 15 de julho de 2010

Audacia Ray respondeu sobre minha demanda No Brasil:

Hi all –

Though sadly I won’t be in Vienna, I am planning to help you all get the word out as much as possible!

I am the program officer for online communications at the International Women’s Health Coalition (IWHC). IWHC is not yet on twitter, but we have an active blog called Akimbo: http://blog.iwhc.org and are collaborating with RH Reality Check and UN Dispatch over the course of the conference. If you have items that have a focus on women and/or sexual and reproductive rights and health, please feel free to send them my way and I can get them cross-posted on all three sites.

I am also the communications consultant for the Global Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP), and we just joined twitter yesterday – find us at @GlobalSexWork. I’ll be posting about our activities at the IAC on that feed, and hopefully some sex workers and advocates who are at the conference will also be using the feed to live tweet sessions.

I will also be actively tweeting and retweeting from my personal twitter account, @audaciaray.



Audacia Ray I Program Officer, Online Communications and Campaigns
International Women's Health Coalition I 333 7th Avenue, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10001
www.iwhc.org I aray@iwhc.org I 1.212.801.1272

Akimbo, the IWHC blog I http://blog.iwhc.org

A just and healthy life: Every woman's right.

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