
segunda-feira, 3 de maio de 2010

FDA aprova vacina contra Câncer de Próstata

FDA Approves FIRST Cancer Vaccine Ever...

Mesa : AZ : USA | May 03, 2010
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Views: 32
  • Vaccine
    Posted by: instgtr
    Prostate Vaccine
  • The FDA said a treatment called Provenge is designed for use by men in ...
    Source: AFP
Prostate Vaccine

In 2009, more than 192,000 new cases of Prostate Cancer were diagnosed and more than 27,000 people died from it. The FDA has just given their first approval for a Cancer vaccine, which is named Provenge...

The vaccine only works AFTER the cancer has been diagnosed and is not a cure or even a preventative drug and so far has only prolonged the life of patients by 4 months (when tested against other prostate cancer patients who were given a placebo)

There are currently dozens of other vaccines (for prostate and other cancers) that are being looked at by the FDA, but Provenge is the first "Cancer" vaccine that has been approved...

The cost of the vaccine is just under $95,000 and although it only prolongs life by approximately 4 months, it's a start and given more time will hopefully be even more effective.


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