
quarta-feira, 4 de março de 2015

Scientists find big surprise in Earth's core

View in Browser SCIENCE Tuesday February 10, 2015 Dark Secret Discovered In Earth's Inner Core An international team of researchers has discovered one of Earth's deepest, darkest secrets: our planet's inner core -- once thought to be a ball of solid iron -- has a hidden inner core of its own... Read more. Now We Know How Many Licks It Takes To Hit The Middle Of A Lollipop How many licks does it take to reach the center of a lollipop? A new mathematical model formulated by scientists at New York University and Florida State University pegs the answer at 1,000... Read more. Telescope Spots 'Smiley Face' In Space Is there a smiley face in space? For almost 25 years, the Hubble Space Telescope has been both an invaluable tool for astronomers and a source of some of the most stunning images ever taken of celestial objects. And now... Read more. See The Amazing Moment When A Deaf Person Hears For The First Time Imagine hearing the sound of your own voice, or the voice of a loved one, for the very first time. For those of us who have always been able to hear, that's hard to do. But have a look at this... Read more. Chimps Show Off Amazing Vocal Abilities Move somewhere new, and it's not long before you pick up some local slang. As it turns out, chimpanzees might be able to do something similar. Maybe we're not so different after all... Read more. Cockroaches Shown To Have Distinct Personalities (But They're Still Gross) While you may never hear the advice "be your own cockroach," a new study suggests the icky insects have their own distinct personalities... Read more. Follow HuffPost on Facebook and Twitter: Get Huffington Post on the Go Know something we don't? E-mail us at dailybrief@huffingtonpost.com Unsubscribe  |  Forward  |  MANAGE MY ALERTS Huffington Post, 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003 Scientists find big surprise in Earth's core

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