
quarta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2015


Monday February 16, 2015
Two groups of astronomers working independently in Germany have discovered a massive new exoplanet that's quite strange--for a few reasons...Read more.
Super-Rare Alien Planet Discovered
Astronomers have long known that comets are cosmic snowballs with a soft interior and hard surface. But the exact composition of that surface -- and how it forms -- has been somewhat of a mystery, until now... Read more.

Comet Crust Mystery Solved
Talk about a lasting romance. This couple couldn’t keep their hands off each other -- for almost 6,000 years. The grave of two Neolithic skeletons locked in a tight embrace was... Read more.

UNEARTHED: A 6,000-Year Embrace
Since its launch in February 11, 2010, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory has been busy watching the sun, capturing an image of the magnificent star more than once per second. And now it has taken some 200 million images... Read more.

Five Years On Sun's Surface Captured In Spectacular Time-Lapse
After analyzing the music of some of hip hop's biggest artists, from Eminem to Public Enemy, linguists at the University of Manchester in England noticed something pretty impressive... Read more.

Scientists Reveal Secrets Behind Hip Hop's Most Complicated Rhymes
Attraction, like romantic love, works in mysterious ways. While we'd like to think that we know why a particular person catches our eye, there are a number of invisible forces at work... Read more.

EXPLAINED: The Strange Science Of Sexual Attraction

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