
sexta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2014

3 Congresso #Mundial de Segurança #Clinica #resumos

Following congress now opens "Call for abstracts".
Please transfer this news to your colleagues.

Conference title: 3rd World Congress of Clinical Safety (3WCCS)

Main theme:  Clinical Risk Management
Period: 10 - 12 September 2014
Place: Ayre Gran Hotel Colon, Madrid, Spain
  (The place changes from University of Cantaberia in the north end of Spain.)


Abstract submission: from 1st Feb. 20143 to 31st May 20143.

Conference registration:  from 1 April 2014.

Flyer: http://www.iarmm.org/3WCCS/(Fryler)3WCCS_Spain.pdf

Send your request of remove to
headoffice01.iarmm.org,if you don't need to get this announcement any more.

Best regards

International Association of Risk Management  in Medicine (IARMM)
World Head Office:
4-7-12-102 Hongo, Bunkyoku, Tokyo, 113-0033, JPN
(email) head.office01@iarmm.org
(Tel/Fax) +81-3-3817-6770
(Homepage) www.iarmm.org

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