
quarta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2012

Drinking Alcohol While Pregnant Has Long-Lasting Effects In Children, Study Finds

HuffPost Social News
Hi, Nilo_Geronimo_Borgna.

Drinking Alcohol While Pregnant Has Long-Lasting Effects In Children, Study Finds


Alcohol Pregnancy
It's a question on many pregnant women's minds, particularly after the debate was reignited earlier this summer when new studies suggested it might be okay: Is any amount of alcohol consumption safe during pregnancy?
A new study falls into the "no" category, finding that drinking during pregnancy has lasting effects on children's size. The paper is one of the first to analyze the effects of alcohol exposure in a single group of children over a long period of time.
"Although decades of research have shed light on the negative effects of drinking during pregnancy, many questions remain," author Dr. Colin Carter, an instructor in pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, told The Huffington Post. "This study reveals that growth restriction, a known effect of drinking, occurs before birth and in many cases is permanent."
Carter and his colleagues recruited two groups of pregnant women at a clinic in Cape Town, South Africa; 85 were defined as heavy drinkers, consuming two or more drinks per day or four or more drinks on a single occasion while pregnant. Another 63 women were defined as light drinkers, having less than one drink a day, or abstained from alcohol entirely.>>>>>

Catherine Pearson   08/22/12

It's a question on many pregnant women's minds, particularly after the

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