ABGLT é recebida pelo Ministro da Defesa, Nelson Jobim
(English version below)
O objetivo da audiência, realizada em 14 de junho, foi discutir a eliminação de todo e qualquer tipo de discriminação contra lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, travestis e transexuais (LGBT) e contra pessoas vivendo com HIV/aids nas Forças Armadas do Brasil.
Além do Ministro da Defesa, Nelson Jobim, participaram da reunião seu assessor e ex-deputado federal José Genoíno; um assessor de imprensa do Ministério; Toni Reis, presidente da ABGLT; Márcio Marins, diretor da ABGLT para a região sul; e David Harrad (foto em anexo).
Segundo Toni Reis, “a reunião foi extremamente proveitosa. O Ministro Jobim se comprometeu a fazer em breve uma minuta de nova redação dos artigos 234 e 235 do Código Penal Militar, retirando as palavras ‘pederastia’ e ‘homossexual’. Afirmou que o Ministério da Defesa discutirá conosco a melhor forma de encaminhamento ao Congresso Nacional.”
Na reunião também foi tratado o assunto do reconhecimento da união estável entre pessoas do mesmo sexo, tendo em vista a decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) em 05 de maio. O Ministro informou que já solicitou do Ministro Ayres Britto (STF) o acórdão da decisão, e que assim que chegar medidas serão tomadas para que seja colocado em prática nas Forças Armadas.
Sobre o teste compulsório de HIV para ingresso nas Forças Armadas, o Ministro estabeleceu que seja criado um grupo de trabalho entre a assessoria do Ministério e a ABGLT. Toni Reis sugeriu o envolvimento do Ministério da Saúde e do Programa Conjunto das Nações sobre HIV/Aids (UNAIDS), inclusive para juntar jurisprudência, legislação e outras normas relevantes, para subsidiar o trabalho.
Com relação aos casos de transexualidade e outras formas de discriminação que tenham ocorrido nas Forças Armadas em razão de orientação sexual ou identidade de gênero, o Ministro pediu que os dados concretos fossem encaminhados para o Ministério para que possam ser estudados caso a caso.
Brazilian LGBT Association (ABGLT) has meeting with Defence Minister, Nelson Jobim.
The purpose of the meeting, held on June 14th, was to discuss the elimination of all forms of discrimination against lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and trans persons, as well as against people living with HIV/AIDS, in the Brazilian Armed Forces.
Taking part in the meeting with Defence Minister Nelson Jobim were his advisor, former Congressman José Genoíno; a Ministry press officer; Toni Reis, president of ABGLT; Márcio Marins, ABGLT’s director for the southern region of Brazil; and David Harrad (photo attached).
According to Toni Reis, “the meeting was extremely positive. Minister Jobim committed to preparing a draft version of new wording for articles 234 and 235 of the Military Penal Code, so as to remove the words ‘pederasty’ and ‘homosexual’. He also stated that the Ministry of Defence would discuss with us the best way of getting the amendment to the Code through the National Congress.”
During the meeting the issue of the recognition of same-sex partnerships was also raised, bearing in mind the Supreme Court’s May 5th ruling that these should be treated in exactly the same way as partnerships between unmarried heterosexual couples. Minister Jobim informed ABGLT that he had already requested the Supreme Court to provide him with the official text of the ruling and that as soon as he received it measures would be taken to put it into practice in the Armed Forces.
With regard to compulsory HIV testing for new Armed Forces recruits, the Minister determined that a working group be set up, involving Ministry advisors and ABGLT. Toni Reis suggested that the Ministry of Health and the Brazilian office of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) also take part in the working group. Part of the group’s responsibilities will be to gather jurisprudence, legislation and other relevant norms on which to base the Ministry’s policy on HIV testing.
Regarding cases of transsexuality and other forms of discrimination in the Armed Forces on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity, the Minister asked for concrete cases to be forwarded to the Ministry for analysis on a case by case basis.
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