
quarta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2010

ONU vota pela igualdade da dignidade dos direitos LGBT

Pessoal   grande  vitória   nossa  em Nova  York,
122  votos  a  favor, 59 abstenções e  nenhum  voto  contra.
Obrigado  a  Missão  brasileira  na  ONU  e todo  pessoal  do  Itamaraty  que  colaborou   com  está  articulação.
Boas  festas.
Toni Reis

Brussels, 21 December 2010

UN vote restores equal dignity for LGBTI rights
General Assembly overturns homophobic vote in the Third Committee last month

The UN General Assembly reintroduced today the same reference to sexual orientation in the resolution on extra-judicial executions which was deleted by the Third committee one month ago thanks to the initiative of a group of Arab and African nations, led by Morocco and Mali, in a narrow vote (79-70). The reintroduction of the reference to sexual orientation was voted by 93 countries, including Argentina, Canada, the USA, the EU countries and several Southern countries like Timor Leste in Asia and Rwanda and South Africa. The whole resolution was in the end approved with 122 votes in favor, zero against and 59 abstentions...
We are very happy for the outcome of this vote,” said Gloria Careaga and Renato Sabbadini, ILGA co-Secretaries General, “as it restores the original inclusive language of the resolution on extra-judicial executions and acknowledges that indeed many people around the world are killed every year because of their sexual orientation. We also know that many people are killed because of their gender identity or expression and we believe that the language of the resolution should refer to this as well – a proposal to be taken in consideration in the future by all UN Members which voted in favour of today's amendment.”
In the meantime, however,” continued the co-Secretaries General, “we want to celebrate the victory over the forces which tried to push the reference to sexual orientation into oblivion one month ago and still refuse, in theory and in practice, to acknowledge that human rights are truly for all, LGBTI people included.”
Today's result,” concluded Careaga and Sabbadini, “would have not been possible had it not been for the coordinated efforts of LGBTI activists everywhere – we would like to thank and congratulate them all, as well as the group of NGOs and ILGA Members which made this coordination possible: IGLHRC, Arc-International, Human Rights Watch and COC The Netherlands.”

Mario Kleinmoedig
ILGA Press Officer

For commentary contact ILGA Co-Secretary General Renato Sabbadini
at +32 474857950 or +39 3356067158 or renato@ilga.org

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