
quinta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2010

Registration Open for WorldBank/USAID Emerging Issues in HIV Debate

The World Bank Global HIV/AIDS Program and the USAID Office of HIV & AIDS have been hosting a monthly debate series on emerging issues in HIV response. This group, imho, has a lot to add to the conversation. On October 27, from 9-11EDT, we want to take the debate to a new level with the topic of concurrent partnerships.

Prompt: Concurrent sexual partners have been and remain a key driver of HIV epidemics in southern and eastern Africa. Interventions focusing on concurrent sexual partners should be prioritized for receiving prevention resources. Agree or Disagree?

You need to register for the debate, whether listening in online or participating via webcast. You can register here: http://www.aidstar-one.com/resources/calendar/emerging_issues_todays_hiv_response_debate_series_0

You We will be using hashtag: #HIVDebate before, during, and after, to continue the conversation.

Please share widely!

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