
terça-feira, 20 de julho de 2010

New twitter from Viena:


  1. Michaela Montaner mmontaner RT @AIDSgov: @NIAIDNews Dr Tony Fauci #AIDS2010 plenary at 9am: New Concepts in HIV/AIDS Pathogenesis. Live webcast http://bit.ly/aPpJTe
  2. Aeras Global TB aerasglobaltb Jean William Pape of GHESKIO describes emergency action for TB patients after Haiti earthquake at #AIDS2010
  3. Hans Schuppert hansschuppert fragment NOS journaal #aids2010: http://nos.nl/video/173052-economische-crisis-beheerst-aidsconferentie-wenen.html
  4. PEPFAR USPEPFAR RT @AIDSgov: @NIAIDNews Dr. Fauci #AIDS2010 plenary at 9am: New Concepts in HIV/AIDS Pathogenesis. Live webcast http://bit.ly/aPpJTe
  5. Cale Davis caledavis Day 3 of #aids2010... Can my faith in the legal sessions be redeemed after the comment that judges in dev counts don't have corrup issues?
  6. AIDS.gov AIDSgov @NIAIDNews Dr. Anthony Fauci #AIDS2010 plenary at 9am: New Concepts in HIV/AIDS Pathogenesis. Live webcast http://bit.ly/aPpJTe
  7. Klaartje Spijkers Monacatira Today agents4change Enoch from Uganda will participate in Merck's round table at #aids2010. Merck supports dance4life.
  8. FHI Family_Health Watch a video on the exciting results of the CAPRISA004 microbicide trial on Insight LIVE at #AIDS2010. http://bit.ly/9sW1Q0
  9. Klaartje Spijkers Monacatira We are getting prepared for day 2 at #aids2010, read the blog of my colleague Natasha about yesterday: http://bit.ly/ahk4wY
  10. Klaartje Spijkers Monacatira We are getting preparyesterday: ed for day 2 at #aids2010, read in the blog of my dear colleague Natasha about http://bit.ly/ahk4wY
  11. Anna Thompson notanna96 RT RTI_HIV. RTI is looking for an HIV/AIDS stigma and discrimination specialist. See www.rti.org/careers. #AIDS2010
  12. RTI International RTI_HIV RTI is seeking a biostatistician with HIV experience. See www.rti.org/careers. #AIDS2010
  13. The CTN - Le Réseau CIHR_CTN #AIDS2010: Dr. Deborah Money: HPV in #HIV-positive #women-the disease & the vaccine-- July 20, 7-8:30 am in Mini Room 3
  14. Sara Jackson freckledfroggy RT @worldbanknews: 250 ppl become newly infected for every 100 who start treatment; we desperately need new prevention strategies. #AIDS2010
  15. Carrie A Rheingans crheinga EARLY morning! session w Dr Paul Farmer abt Haiti reconstruction. y so hard 2 include ppl w HIV in service plans, Dr Farmer? #AIDS2010
  16. The CTN - Le Réseau CIHR_CTN #AIDS2010 TUPE0917: Dr. Curtis Cooper et al: Cost effectiveness of influenza vaccination dosing strategies among patients with #HIV/ #AIDS
  17. The CTN - Le Réseau CIHR_CTN #AIDS2010 TUPE0018 JP Routy et al: Contribution of patient characteristics, CD4 T cells & ART potency in establishment of HIV reservoir size
  18. iMAXi Cooperative iMAXiCoop RT_#AIDS2010ForAll #HRW New report - #Cambodia: Sex Workers Face Unlawful Arrests and Detention http://bit.ly/bGhl5c #sexworkers #aids2010
  19. AIDS2010ForAll-iMAXi AIDS2010forALL #HRW New report - #Cambodia: Sex Workers Face Unlawful Arrests and Detention http://bit.ly/bGhl5c #sexworkers #hiv #imaxicoop #aids2010
  20. HIVandHepatitis.com HIVandHepatitis CAPRISA Microbicide Trial Shows Tenofovir Vaginal Gel Reduces HIV Transmission Risk by 39%: http://vb.ly/2bsa #AIDS2010

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